Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Shane's school, CIPEC, has students from all over the world so they enjoy celebrating many international holidays. While Halloween is not celebrated in France with trick-or-treating, the school does have a dress-up day to celebrate....Shane was a pirate, with his new Venetian mask
Julie and Syd got into the spirit with their masks as well
Syd entertained the witches in Shane's class
Samantha, Julie, Syd and Sydia clowning aroundEven Riley dressed up - in his adorable French beret!Charlie and Shane hamming it up
The witch Shane's class made from an outline of Shane's body (Shane is the tallest kiddo in CP1)...Shane was VERY PROUD of their witch!

After school drop-off, Julie invited several girlfriends over for a Halloween "mask" party...masks being facial masks! Watch out, the following photos are truly SCARY!
Julie, Riley, Samantha, Sandra, Sydia, Annina and Anja
Anya and Julie in their green-goo LUSH masks
Sydia and Sarah...ha ha ha!