Friday, October 31, 2008

Brussels and Mechelen, Belgium

In late October, Julie represented St. Jude at a trade mission with the Memphis Regional Chamber of Commerce to Brussels, Belgium and Paris, France.

The below photos are of the famous Grotte Markt with guild houses and the historic town hall in Brussels

In between meetings, I had an opportunity to spend a day with my Belgian cousins in their lovely Flemish hometown of Mechelen which is halfway between Brussels and Antwerp

Luc, Jozef, Jeanine and Lieve braved the cold to take me on a wonderful walking tour of Mechelen

The three oldest guilds in Mechelen
Luc, Leive and Joseph
One of the oldest churches in Belgium
The Grote Markt of Mechelen with St. Rumbold's medieval tower
Another view of the Grote Markt...just lovely!