Friday, June 20, 2008

Shane's End of Year Activities

CIPEC hosted its annual "Olympiad" on June 6. Each grade participated in a variety of sports activities at the park where they have sports twice a week. Here are some of the highlights.....

Charlie, Shane, Neil and Edward

Shane and Paul

Shane scores two points!

The trampoline is always a HUGE HIT!

Cowboy Shane

Charlie, Shane and Edward

Charlie and Shane

The last day of CIPEC featured their end of year Spectacle...a wonderful performance where Shane dressed as a zebra, acting out an adorable skit with dancing and singing. They also gave out awards and Shane was so proud to receive the "Cartable d'or," or sachel of gold, honoring the top students in each class. Here are some photo highlights of the day.....

Madame Pecnard, Shane's principal

Kris and Sarah, our Canadian friends

Sarah, Karen and Nathalie

Jan, Anja and Elena

Frank and Sandra

Charlie and Sarah

Sarah and Mallory enjoyed the end of year performance