Monday, June 30, 2008

Special friends

Spring was VERY BUSY in Aix. Here are some highlights of gatherings with friends...

Julie and Sydia hosted a baby shower for Kris Sustronk

Girl Power!

Luc Sebastian Sustronk was born on May 9

The Bessos and Sustronks hosted a terrific Canadian Party/farewell for the Sustronks who returned with their four boys to Canada in late June. We really enjoyed their friendship last year and look forward to keeping in touch, hopefully with many visits, in the future....

The gals and a farewell toast

Frank and Sandra

Nigel and Pilou

Annina, Nathalie and Pilou with adorable Luc!

Kris and Phil on their last day in Aix

A la plage avec Thomas et Theo

Earlier in the Spring we spent a daughter day in Avignon with the Veynes (while the active boys stayed home with a sitter)....

Alex and Mallory really hit it off

Syd and Claude

We enjoyed a day in the Luberon Mountain with friends...

Juhani and Syd

Annina and Sam

Sydia and Nathalie with a lunch fit for a queen!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Julie's Spring trips to the US

I had two Spring business trips to the US. In May, I was proud to attend St. Jude's Angels and Stars Gala in Miami, an annual dinner which honored Gloria and Emilio Estefan. I stopped by Washington on the way for a quick visit with my gal pals....

Sue (mom of Mal's best friend, Danielle) and Stephanie (mom of Shane's best friend, Collin)

Julie, Kristi and Annie

Tesa and Kelsey

Vicky, Amy and Katherine

Sarah and Julie

In June, I attended the annual Combined Health Charities meeting and ALSAC's Summit (staff meeting) in Memphis, TN. My parents, Al and Patt Sackett, drove down from Iowa to visit between meetings. It was a very special time together.
Proud daughter
Posing with mom in front of the ducks in the lobby of the Peabody Hotel

Daddy's Girl!

My colleague and friend, Britt Fife, at the ALSAC Summit Awards

Long-time St. Jude supporter and friend, Ken Via, received the Volunteer of the Year Award at St. Jude's annual Volunteer Awards Dinner at the Peabody

My final visit before returning to France was a six-hour layover in Washington where I had a lovely lunch with three of my four brothers - Al, Kirk and Tim. It was wonderful to see them!! My fourth brother, David, just moved to Panama with his family and my sister, the oldest of the six Sackett kids, lives next door to my parents in Iowa with her husband, Mike.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Shane's End of Year Activities

CIPEC hosted its annual "Olympiad" on June 6. Each grade participated in a variety of sports activities at the park where they have sports twice a week. Here are some of the highlights.....

Charlie, Shane, Neil and Edward

Shane and Paul

Shane scores two points!

The trampoline is always a HUGE HIT!

Cowboy Shane

Charlie, Shane and Edward

Charlie and Shane

The last day of CIPEC featured their end of year Spectacle...a wonderful performance where Shane dressed as a zebra, acting out an adorable skit with dancing and singing. They also gave out awards and Shane was so proud to receive the "Cartable d'or," or sachel of gold, honoring the top students in each class. Here are some photo highlights of the day.....

Madame Pecnard, Shane's principal

Kris and Sarah, our Canadian friends

Sarah, Karen and Nathalie

Jan, Anja and Elena

Frank and Sandra

Charlie and Sarah

Sarah and Mallory enjoyed the end of year performance

Friday, June 13, 2008

Last day of 7th grade - posted by Mallory

On my last day of school, there were so many memories and so many friends to say goodbye to. I had such a great year with my international buddies!!

Sarah and I sang, danced, and prepared ourselves for the spectacle.

Jenny, Lara, Jeanne, Martine, Sarah, Melanie, and me enjoying the cool breeze of summer!
Even though it was late, Jeanne, Sarah, and I kept our groove going for the festivities.

Jordan and Torgrim still rockin' and ready for the party!

Shane was a bit overwelmed with all of older students running around signing each other's yearbooks, but the tennis court polls were very tempting!

My class was made up of many kids from all over the world! But somehow, we all found a way to communicate!

After the show, we all ran around laughing and sitting by the pool. By then, we were hyper!

My first year in France has been incredible! I will never forget my amazing friends, my hilarious grade, and my first experience at IBS!!!!