Sunday, November 9, 2008

Olive Picking Party

On November 8, we attended Nathalie and Jerome Dupuy's annual Olive Picking Party. It was a glorious Fall day and over 100 friends joined in the work and fun. We hand-picked over 1.5 tons of olives which will be pressed into olive oil with each "worker" receiving a bottle or two as payment!!

Julie and Nathalie

The Dupuy's gorgeous olive grove Even the teens and tweens got into it!
Julie and Susie Shane had a ball, but probably ran around and played on the trampoline more than he picked. Here he is in a rare "working" photo.
Mallory in her "director" mode with several girlfriends
Jerome Dupuy and his olive trees!

Alys and Teun hauling their olives to the truck
A truck-load of olives with the lovely vineyard beyond
Gotta love the mud on boots shot....such a memorable day!