Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Joyeux Noel

December truly was many celebrations with close friends, so many special moments to share as a family. Here are some highlights... Shane had a ball decorating a wire star at CIPEC and was so proud to present it to the family on Christmas morning.
Aix-en-Provence was fully decorated for the season.Shane is crazy about the holiday rides set up on the Cours Mirabeau.
His favorite? The bumpers cars!!!HOLD ON SHANE!
Even Mallory and pal Sarah love riding the bumper cars! We had a lovely evening with our Finnish friends, Juhani and Annina Niklander, celebrating their Christmas on December 6.
It was also the anniversary of their engagement...more reasons to toast!
Ines hosted a fois gras cooking class and lunch. I doubt I will ever make fois gras again, but it was an interesting "experiment" learning how!
My gal pals - Sydia, Sam, Ines, Sarah, Pip with Lula (Shane's gal pal) and Sabine
CIPEC's annual cross is a hoot. The kids are set loose in the forest at school where they run around an obstacle course several times. Half the kids have no idea what to do so they look like little bees following the leader.And the leader bee was CHARLIE, shown here with proud "Aunt Sydia" and mama Sarah after he won the race!
Shane, with pals Charlie, Alys and Damien, shouting, "Allez, Allez!" cheering on the younger kids.Proud, giggling parents: Simon, Sydia, Pip, Betsy and Kristine Syd and I were honored to go to Monaco to represent St. Jude at a benefit gala with HSH Prince Albert at the Hotel de Paris! The famous Monaco Casino
Over-the-top light show in Monaco The annual Christmas Show at CIPEC is always a special treat!Shane's class were the soldiers from the Nutcracker. Shane is second from the right, next to pals Damien and Charlie. Shane with his tennis trophy (#1 in his grade) and cross medal (#2 after Charlie...see above!)
Max Hamlin, the cutest "little" soldier, with adorable fairies and mice! Double-fisted Mama, Sydia Proud Mama and Shane
Alys and Mallory
After the CIPEC show, we celebrated Sydia's birthday by combining US and French traditions...a champagne/fois gras "tailgate" party!!
Sydia gave scarves from her shop in Lousiana to several girl friends as a farewell gift. She, Joey and their terrific kids Ethan, Alys and Max, moved back to the US in early January and we are still sad. The tailgate crowd!
Even CIPEC's owner, Madam Pecnard, joined the tailgate party! After the tail gate party, several of us went to a US-themed restaurant, Red Peppers, to keep the celebration going.
Joey and his best friend, "Sweetcakes" Philippe
Special Day...Happy couple :-)

We hosted our Second Annual "Champagne, Cookies and Carols" party on December 20...think LOTS of champagne. Over 70 of us raised the roof with laughter and carols!
The Dutch contingency won the award for "best song that no one else could possible sing!!!"
Julie organized a memory book for Sydia and Joey as a farewell gift from their many friends in Aix.
Nick and Susie Bates with Julie and Syd
Three cheers for Alex, Letty and Syd, who got the singing started!
Letty's grandparents and parents, Alicia and Nick
Gal pals Sam, Sandra, Julie, Ines, Sarah and Sydia
Macho Men!
Sam and Frederic...note her vintage granny's incredible coat. Santa did not answer my request for one just like it :-) Sweet Mal and her daddy
Hugs under the mistletoe
Mallory with Riley, our lover-dumplin' We celebrated Christmas Eve in style at Sam and Frederic's home in Fuveu...complete with a delicious dinde (turkey) and all the favorite American and Canadian side dishes Frederic, Sarah, Sam, Julie, Syd and Antony
Mallory and her first taste of champagne!
The traditional 13 desserts of Provence
Our sweet little French tree on Christmas morn
A sweet sibling hug AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(For some reason, we have a photo that looks JUST like this one every Christmas morning!)
Even Riley got into the spirit!!
Thanks for bearing with us on so many holiday really was a sensational month for our family and friends!